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Looking to speed up your refill time?

You can save time by filling out your patient evaluation before calling us or ordering online. We’ve put together a quick tutorial on how to do that below!

To begin, please follow the link below and log in.


After logging in, select Patient Self-Evaluation from the top tab. If this is your first time filling out the self-evaluation, the first page will ask for your height and weight. Click next.

The second page is where you will want to put in your medications and diagnosis (You will only have to do this for the first self-evaluation unless you have any changes to update). Click Next.

Finally, you will fill out the questionnaire. Please keep in mind that zero means low symptoms and ten means extreme symptoms. Once done click the submit button.

That’s it! After that, you may place your refill order online or refill by giving us a call at 651-333-3835.

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